Zipprover is a zipcode / postcode validator tool which can be installed on your Shopify store for free.
It helps your customer check whether the products/services from your online store are deliverable/serviceable to their location or not.

Additionally the app can restrict non-serviceable order which helps in saving your support costs, time and customer can subscribe to waiting list if their location is not deliverable.


Let your customers check products / service availability using zipcode / postcode / pincode from your Shopify store

Easy to use zipcode validator / postcode checker / pincode checker for your Shopify store.

Key Features

  • Add zip code to all products or only to particular selected products in your store.
  • Start with zip codes search is available. Eg: 700** will match 70010, 70011, 70020 etc. Similarly SW1V*** will match SW1V2RA, SW1V1RR etc.
  • Unlimited zip codes can be setup with comma separated values.
  • You can create rules to allow or disallow add to cart from specified zip codes.
  • Customer can subscribe to waiting list if their location is not serviceable.
  • Easy reports to show which zipcode/postcode/pincode and products are most subscribed. Which will be very much useful to target your next business location expansion.
  • Zipprover can restrict add to cart and checkout button click from product page and cart page.
  • You can add any format of zipcode/postcode/pincode, no restrictions. Simple to use as long as you have list of supported or not supported zipcodes.

So if you are running your local business online with Shopify, then zipprover is a must have app for your store
By which your customer can check whether your service/product is available for them or not by zipcode checker / postcode checker / pincode checker
This will save lot of support costs and time both for you and your customer.